Checkout Check Out Form1 ButtonOK ButtonCancel &Cancel Label1 Customer number: custnumber custname Label2 Tape number: tapenumber tapetitle tapenumber tapetitle tapenumber tapetitle tapenumber tapetitle tapenumber tapetitle custnumber_Change custnumber_LostFocus GetCustomerRec DBKEYED custnumber custname custrec customer, tapenumber_Change tapenumber_LostFocus GetItemRec% tapenumbero tapetitleD itemrece itemdesc caption! custname_Click lastname firstname thename TheFullName ButtonCancel_Click checkout7 ButtonOK_Click itemnumber there tapes_out UpdateCustomerRecT iNumTapes Command1_Click ButtonExit_Click DB_OKY apetitle screen MousePointer POINTER_HOURGLASS POINTER_DEFAULT Form_Click @ Form_Load custnum UpdateItemRec inout_code itemfee inout) MB_ICONEXLAMATION MB_ICONEXCLAMATION custnumber_LostFocus need to trim trailing blanks from the last name tapenumber_LostFocus ButtonCancel_Click ButtonOK_Click Make the customer rec is there But do not update it yet rc = GetCustomerRec(DBKEYED)E Get each tape and update Tape " deleted! Tape is already out, number: " Already out" Get the customer again and update as quickly as possible. Should lock it, but requires more code Clear the screen for the next checkout *** tapetitle(i%).caption = " " ButtonExit_Click Form_Load ?? whats wrong with this - custnumber.SetFocusF